Agenda for Post 281 regular meeting, 11 June 24 @ The Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center.
An invitation for all members and all Veterans or sons of Veterans to attend the 11 June 2024 Post 281 meeting.
6:00 PM, Pizza, Soft Drink and socializing time.
On or about 6:45, Begin opening protocol for the meeting.
Recognize QOV presentation for post member Barry Mortensen as presented by John Herko and QOV coordinator Robet St. John.
Adoption of the minutes
Officer reports: 1st Vice, 2nd Vice, ADJ, FO, SO, S@A, CH (sick call)
Committee, John Herko, Constitution and By-Laws Committee update and presentation for a motion to be voted up on by the regular members.
HG, ALR, SAL, Auxiliary updates.
Unfinished business: Motion by the ADJ to consider increasing our Dues to $50.00 per year.
CDR offers After Action Review of HAF. The Good-Bad-Ugly?
Short- and Long-range event plans,
a. Ceremony in honor of Tyler Cates in Sep, or post picnic and then a special time of reflection about Tyler during the picnic?
b. Halloween in the Park
c. Mt J Cmas Parade
d. Cmas Social/Banquet
Speaker for our meetings. Who do we want to hear? Is it a good thing or is it not effective?
New Business Correspondence
Anything else for the good of the legion.
Closing Protocol.