August 2021 Newsletter
Our new publishing date for the Newsletter
Our new publishing date for the NewsletterIf you are accustomed to receiving and reading the newsletter via the internet, you probably noticed that we did not send it out before our August meeting. We are attempting to make the newsletter more informative and pertinent to the workings of our post and useful to you as our members. You can expect a brief reminder of the upcoming meeting with a brief agenda of the planned events to be “pushed” through our website to each subscriber. Then, after the meeting, we will summarize the meeting and post any additional information that pertains to the day-to-day business of our post shortly thereafter.
Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends We hope that this newsletter finds you and your families healthy and doing well. As mentioned, we hope the later publishing of our newsletter following each monthly meeting will keep you better informed. In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Our goal as a post is to base all our activities and focus on promoting these pillars in our community. We were honored to have the following Guests: TN Department District Commander Bill Green. Also in attendance were Past Post 281 Commanders Lew Hightower and Brenda Thompson. There is no greater honor you may bestow upon a fellow veteran and their family than participating in ceremonies celebrating the life of a veteran and their service to our country. The total military honors rendered, from the 2010 inception of Post 281 Honor Guard Team, now stands at 400. A lot of effort and commitment went into this. This is quite a feat for a small post such as ours. (See the included article)…