August 2020 Newsletter
Fellow Legionnaires,
Greetings and hope this finds you and your families continuing to be healthy and doing well in the midst of the current COVID-19 Pandemic. The numbers in Tennessee keep creeping higher and it is a scary time and we all must take appropriate precautions. Therefore I have consulted with the Executive Committee on 4 August. I asked and it was unanimously agreed upon to cancel our 11 August meeting. There remains nothing urgent on the agenda that could not wait until our September meeting.
Your Executive Committee met on 4 July, via a Zoom internet conference and revised an agenda for our next regularly scheduled meeting. As cited above, this month’s meeting is cancelled. We continue exploring options for when we can get together and are soliciting donations to keep us in a position to support next years’ ball teams, Boys and Girls State, the Oratorical, Scouts, veterans and their families in need, etc. Our only income, so far for this year is the Annual Flag Event. We still plan on holding the September Picnic at Charlie Daniels Park. Our plans for Christmas Dinner continue as I work with the Rutland Place Catering Staff. We have until two weeks prior to make a final decision or look at other options…