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Author: Terry Ward

Agenda for Post 281 regular meeting, 11 Feb 25 @ The Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center. 

6:00 PM, Pizza, Chips and Soft Drinks and Cookies  socializing time. 

On or about 6:30,  Begin opening protocol for the meeting.

Welcome guest speaker, Wilson County Veterans Service Officer, Zabrina Seay      

Adoption of the minutes as posted on the Post web portal; 7 February as posted by the Post Adjutant.   

Officer reports:     1st Vice, 2nd Vice,  ADJ, FO, SO,  S@A, CH (sick call)

Special committees/groups HG, ALR, SAL, Auxiliary updates

Oratorical Update from Bruno Padovani

CDR:     New Business / Correspondence/ CDR’s Comments 

  TNVET Day on the hill discussion

 Update on Mt. Juliet, SAC and the pending move to CD Park and the  renovated current police station. 

Discussion about our Honoring America’s Flag event in May.   

  Next regularly meeting is : 11 Mar  Post meeting the Mt J SAC,    

Anything else for the good of the legion.  

Closing Protocol. 

Jan 14th, 2025, Post meeting agenda

Jan 14th, 2025 regular post meeting, agenda:

                  6:00 Pizza and fellowship

                  Post recognition of Mt J Police Officer Justin Angle  and MT J Firefighter Matthias Beatty 

                                with distinguished leadership from the City of Mt. Juliet as guest.  (Mike Faoro)

                  New Post Coin introduction.      

                  Buddy Calls/ results of recent efforts.   (John Herko)

                  The year ahead with discussion of 2025 activity plans.  

                  Information update on the Oratorical (Bruno Padovani)

Post 281 Member’s Update for December

News and Notes for December 2024

  1. Minutes for the 12 November meeting were sent to each registered post email on 6 DEC, through the post website. 

2. The agenda for the annual banquet is included below which includes special guest speaker and  author Susan P. Hunter.  

3. The annual Mt. Juliet Christmas Parade is scheduled for 14 Dec.    Our post will have a float with our Post sign and Christmas decorations .   Those participating are to be at the SAC NLT at 8:00 AM for prep and movement to the parade staging area at West Wilson Middle School.    The parade ends at Charlie Daniels Park or in the vicinity near Woodbridge Road, approximately at noon.   Transportation back to the SAC will be by van. 

4. The local chapter of Wreaths across America is looking for volunteers to help offload trucks at the National Veterans Cemetery at 1420 Gallatin Pike on two dates, 11 DEC at 0900 and 13 DEC at 0900, as coordinated by Mary Roberts with Mission BBQ.     Any interested parties can contact me, CDR Ward, or Chaplain David Hale for more details.  As a post, we have contributed $630 towards the purchase of wreaths for this special occasion.   

  5. Next scheduled post meeting is to be held on 14 JAN 2025 at the Senior Activity Center. 

Christmas Banquet Agenda Below:

American Legion Post 281 Annual Christmas Banquet

Rutland Place

435 NW Rutland Rd, Mt. Juliet, TN 

10 DEC 2024

Sequence of events:

  • Doors open at 5:45 PM.   Assure to get a ticket for a door prize.    
  • Social Time 5:45 PM until 6:15 PM
  • 6:15 PM Welcome Remarks, Commander Terry Ward
  • Prayer Chaplain David Hale
  • POW/MIA Ceremony/  1st Vice Mike Faoro and Sgt at Arms Don Barnes
  • The buffet line for dinner opens at 6:30 PM
  • Dinnertime  6:30 PM until 7:15 PM, with coffee/iced tea/water and dessert 
  • On or about 7:15 PM recognize special guests and speaker, Mrs. Susan P. Hunter, Author of 77 Letters
  • Singalong Christmas Carols, Chaplain David Hale
  • On or about 8:30 PM closing remarks and final door prize drawing
  • *******  Bring a bag or two of hard candy for collection, to be distributed to the kids along the parade route on 14 December, with the annual Mt. Juliet Christmas parade. **********************

Agenda for 8 OCT Post Meeting,

Agenda for 8 OCT 24 Regular meeting.     

CDR Ward is traveling on the road with his Craft Show/Baking Sheet business for a few weeks and will also miss Halloween in the Park.   Mike Faoro is vacationing in Italy with Janie but will be home in time to help with Halloween in the park.  Bring candy to the meeting for the event.   Second Vice Bob Snuck will conduct the regular meeting.

New Business: 

  1.  John Herko and Mike Faoro’s financial review.  John will join us tonight to discuss the results.  All is well.   There were more details in the newsletter.
  •   Picnic was well attended with 60 members and guest.   Perfect weather, temps and plenty of food for all.   Had a horseshoe competition and the winners and all players pooled their money and gave it a contribution for the Flood Victims in East TN.    All totalled $470 was donated for the victims of the floods in TN and NC at our Picnic on SAT.   Member Jeff Mattingly is going to take the funds and buy water and other items to be delivered to the Lebanon Fire Department, who will then take it to those in need in East TN.  There will be donation collection at the meeting if you would like to contribute.
  •  Mission BBQ is going provide the meal for us in OCT .   Mary Roberts is bringing food their outstanding BBQ and other items. We are awarding her an appreciation plaque.   Bob Snuck  and Steve Wren to make the award. 
  •  Robert Million from the Middle TN Vet’s cemetery will be our guest speaker.    
  •  Halloween in the Park (19 OCT CD Park, 11:30 AM to 3 PM is reserved.    We’ll have the Post 281 tent set up, so come and join us.  There will be a sign-up list again for those that will join us.    
  •  Recognition of Service above and Beyond Plaques to awarded to Sellers and Vaughn  Funeral Chapels,  Member Steve Wren  to coordinate a time and place.   
  •  Christmas Banquet info from Steve Iles below:
  1. The date & time is confirmed for 12/10 at Rutland Place, with meal serving (Buffet style) starting at 6:30.    Doors will be open at 6:00 for any setup we want to do.  Anticipated finish NLT 8:00 PM.

 Menu: Option#1 – Pot Roast w/ Turkey, 2 sides (Potatoes & Green Beans) & either Pecan Pie or Banana Pudding for dessert.   Option #2 – Pot Roast w/ Ham, 2 sides (Could be different ones) & either Pecan Pie or Banana Pudding for dessert.  Salad, tea & water also provided for all.

*** Veggies meals will also be available per request.

  • Cost: $20 PP.   The Post will cover any add’l food cost as well as all gratuities (About 18%). (No taxes will be assessed) 4.) I’ve attached the signup sheet that I will pass around at the 10/8 meeting.
  •  COINS,    Discus what we are considering to purchase.  We will sell coins to any member for $10 each.    

Other concerns or recommendations? 

Rescheduled Post Picnic



Post Picnic is This

Saturday, Oct 5th,

If you have not done so already, we would like you to register at the following :

Post 281: Post 281 Annual Picnic – 5 Oct 24 – 1200 noon, Cedar Creek Campground Pavilion, Mt. Juliet (

The post is going to provide Burgers and Hot Dogs and all of the fixings.    We ask that you bring a side dish that will feed six, along with a serving spoon.    Games will be organized for everyone to enjoy.  We also ask that you check in with the sign-in desk when you arrive.   Look for the post American Legion Tent when you arrive.  Bring your family and invite your Veteran friends too.  

The Picnic for Saturday, 14 Sep, is POSTPONED due to weather.

Due to the pending messy weather that is headed our way over the next few days, we are postponing our annual Picnic that is scheduled for this Saturday and moving the picnic to a new date of 5 OCT. The location for the picnic on 5 OCT 2024 is now going to be Cedar Creek Campground, at 9264 Saundersville Road, Mt. Juliet, which is on Old Hickory Lake. It is a large recreation area with a large pavilion and a large grill, a playground, and a sand beach on the lake. If you would, share this information with anyone that you thought was planning to attend this Saturday’s event, so they get the “word”.