2025 Tennessee Veteran Legislative Bills
Last night Ms. Zabrina supplied handouts at our meeting detailing the bills we were promoting during our visit with some of our representatives and senators during Veterans Day on the Hill.
Here is a summary of those bills:
- 8HB0436/SB0651 Disabled Veteran Tax Relief: Proposes changes to TCA 67-5-704 to prevent property tax exemption reductions for 100% disabled veterans based on market value fluctuations.
- Veterans Assistance Fund: Establishes a dedicated fund through a lottery program to support veteran services and programs.
- Helping Heroes Grant: Expands eligibility to include more combat medals and Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Support: Urges Congress to enhance treatment for PTSD and brain injuries in veterans.
If you would like to further support any of these bills here’s link to where you can find your specific representative and senator so you can let them know. All you have to do is put your address in: