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2025 Tennessee Veteran Legislative Bills

Last night Ms. Zabrina supplied handouts at our meeting detailing the bills we were promoting during our visit with some of our representatives and senators during Veterans Day on the Hill.

Here is a summary of those bills:

  • 8HB0436/SB0651 Disabled Veteran Tax Relief: Proposes changes to TCA 67-5-704 to prevent property tax exemption reductions for 100% disabled veterans based on market value fluctuations.
  • Veterans Assistance Fund: Establishes a dedicated fund through a lottery program to support veteran services and programs.
  • Helping Heroes Grant: Expands eligibility to include more combat medals and Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Support: Urges Congress to enhance treatment for PTSD and brain injuries in veterans.

If you would like to further support any of these bills here’s link to where you can find your specific representative and senator so you can let them know. All you have to do is put your address in:

VA Life Insurance

Former Commander Max Wix has sent this along to share with our Post:

Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife)

All Veterans age 80 and under. If 81 or over, veterans can apply after receiving a new VA Rating letter. VALife can pay in $10K increments up to $40K at death. Payments are based upon your age, at the time of application. Must pay premiums from VA Disability for 2 full years after enrollment. 2 year waiting period replaces the need for medical underwriting. If the veteran passes away before 2 years, premium amounts (Plus Interest) are returned, when applied for by beneficiaries.

Call 800 669-8477 to establish a date and time for an VA Insurance Agent to call for fill out forms to apply for the insurance. Or you may apply at the VA website above.

How your beneficiaries would file a claim

Your beneficiaries would need to fill out a Claim for One Sum Payment (VA Form 29-4125). They can fill out the form and file it online through DocuSign. The following information is REQUIRED to complete this form: – Veteran’s Social Security Number – Beneficiary’s Social Security Number – Electronic copy of the Veteran’s death certificate or a statement from the attending physician showing date and cause of death. Once you click (Begin Signing), you will be directed to an online form to provide the required information to request benefits.

Go to VA Form 29-4125 on the DocuSign website

Or they can fill out the form and then upload it online or send it by mail.

Get VA Form 29-4125 to download

Auxiliary 15th Annual Tree Sale

Greetings Everyone,

It is that time of year again for the Auxiliary Tree Sale in Mt. Juliet.  I have attached the order form for your convenience in ordering your trees.  Click Here for your Order Form

Please note:  There are a few changes to be mindful of.  First of all, we had to schedule the pickup earlier than usual this year, so it is imperative that you get your order in quickly.  The pickup date is Saturday, March 29, 2025.  We are now taking orders thru March 19, 2025 with payment due by March 22, 2025.  Please, no exceptions.

Secondly, we had to increase our cost this year to $30.00 per tree.  However, the good news is if you pay by credit card or venmo, you will not be charged a fee.  Of course, checks are also acceptable.

Third, the only refunds we will be issuing this year will be for trees ordered and paid for but not available from our supplier.  We ask that you make sure when the trees are loaded into your vehicle that the count is correct.  Our helpers will make every effort to load the correct number, but it is also your responsibility to verify the count.  You will not be issued a refund if you get home and find your order was short.

All of that being said, we look forward to supplying you with some great shrubs and trees again this year and hope that you will once again support our Auxiliary fundraiser.  As in the past, some of the funds will be used to send local 11th grade girls to Tennessee Volunteer Girls State (an Auxiliary program designed to empower young women to become great leaders and responsible citizens and to learn about our government and how laws are enacted). Remaining funds will be used to support our Veterans and to promote patriotism in our community in any way we can.

I will look forward to hearing from you soon.


Kathy Leedy

Fund Raising Chairman

Almost 2 Painless – Updated Guidance

How many of you shop at Kroger? If you do, you probably have a Kroger+ card to get the exclusive discounts by using the card. You may even have a Kroger credit card which is or can be linked to the Kroger+ card.

Our post has been approved to participate in Kroger’s Community Rewards program. In doing so, you can select Post 281 as your favorite charity and a percentage of your purchases will automatically be donated to the post without additional cost to you! Every little bit helps, right?

Here’s some Updated guidance:

To Use the Kroger Community Rewards Program:
Simply visit Log into your Kroger account then click on your Name (Upper right corner), select Community Rewards and search for Tyler Cates American Legion Post 281 either by name or DS341 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.

*Customers must have a registered Kroger rewards card account to link to your organization.
*If a member does not yet have a Kroger rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger

REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your organization until after your participants register their rewards card.
Participants must swipe their registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.

If you need help, please let us know so we can help you get signed up.

Almost 2 Painless

How many of you shop at Kroger? If you do, you probably have a Kroger+ card to get the exclusive discounts by using the card. You may even have a Kroger credit card which is or can be linked to the Kroger+ card.

Our post has been approved to participate in Kroger’s Community Rewards program. In doing so, you can select Post 281 as your favorite charity and a percentage of your purchases will automatically be donated to the post without additional cost to you! Every little bit helps, right?

Here’s some Updated guidance:

To Use the Kroger Community Rewards Program:
Simply visit Log into your Kroger account then click on your Name (Upper right corner), select Community Rewards and search for Tyler Cates American Legion Post 281 either by name or DS341 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.

*Customers must have a registered Kroger rewards card account to link to your organization.
*If a member does not yet have a Kroger rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger

REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your organization until after your participants register their rewards card.
Participants must swipe their registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.

If you need help, please let us know so we can help you get signed up.

Breakfast With Buddies

Our 1st and 2nd Vice Commanders, Mike Faoro and Bob Snuck are getting together at Chick Filet in Mt. Juliet on 21 JAN 25 0900. They’re looking for members or interested persons to join them for some social comradery and story telling no doubt.

Sounds like a good opportunity to get out, spend some time with like minded folks and have a good time.

401 S Mt Juliet Rd Ste 105, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122

There’s really no set schedule for these get togethers so keep your eye on our Face Book group where updates are likely. Oh, you can get to the FB group at the bottom of the website pages. That white dot with the “f” in it.

DoD requiring new ID

Fellow Legionnaire and Post 281 member John Drnek passed this along:

  • Published July 19, 2024
  • By U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Lucas Weber
  • 911th Airlift Wing


Beginning in 2026, the legacy Uniformed Services Identification (USID) card will no longer be accepted for access to benefits, privileges, or DoD bases.

Something to put on the “To Do” list for sure. Beat the rush and get yours soon!

For the rest of the story: Click Here