6:00 PM, Evening finger foods provided by Bridget Passatore, Soft Drink and socializing time.
On or about 6:45, Begin opening protocol for the meeting
Introduce Abigail Whicker as the Department Winner of the Department Oratorical Winner and as a top finalist in the National Oratorical Contest held at Hillsdale College in Michigan last May, as she presents her award-winning speech.
Recognize QOV presentation by post members John Herko and QOV coordinator, Robert St. John for a quilt presentation for Tosha Boyles in recognition of Tosha’s current active-duty status.
Introduce Eddie Rockensock with information about real estate sales in Wilson County and NAR settlements and how they affect our membership.
Adoption of the minutes as posted on the Post Website
Officer reports: 1st Vice, 2nd Vice, ADJ, FO, SO, S@A, CH (sick call)
Constitution and By-Laws update, final review submitted to Department and awaiting the final official sign-off.
HG, ALR, SAL, Auxiliary updates.
Short- and Long-range event plans, as presented by 2nd Vice Bob Snuck
Aug Sign up for Wilson County Fair, Veterans booth coverage, 16 -24 Aug, email sent to all subscribers on the post website. It’s not too late! Sign up now!
14 Sep Annual Post Picnic, booth 5, Charlie Danile’s Park, Mt. Juliet. Ceremony in honor of Tyler Cates in Sep, or post picnic and then a special time of reflection about Tyler during the picnic?
12 Oct Halloween in the Park
10 Dec Christmas Social/Banquet
14 Dec/ Mt. Juliet Christmas Parade.
New Business Correspondence
Anything else for the good of the legion.
Closing Protocol.