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Jan/Feb/Mar 2025 Newsletter


January, February, March 2025 Newsletter

(Mailing) PO Box 67, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121

(Meeting Place) 2034 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121


Upcoming Events

Come join us for our next meeting, February 11th


 Recently, I had the distinct honor of attending Veteran’s Day on Capitol Hill, that was sponsored by the Tennessee veterans organization known as TNVET, with a few members of our post.  In that meeting there were representatives from 12 different nonprofit veterans organizations within the state that all have a common goal of offering services to our state’s veteran population, which is just south of 500,000 veterans in total.   Our purpose for the meeting was to visit our legislators that represent our districts  and counties and to ask them to support the four proposed pieces of legislation to take before the General Assembly.  

(See brief of proposed legislation in this newsletter)  The day was just a little bit chaotic with getting shuffled to the Cordell Hull building in a van from Titan Stadium and  then being shuffled through security checks and then upstairs to a narrow and long conference room, followed by becoming familiarized with the four pieces of legislation we had to know well enough to introduce and talk with each representative we had the opportunity to meet with.  Then we were off to different floors and different senate and representative members’ offices, in the hopes of finding them in and available to talk with.  Surprisingly every representative was there and seemed more than happy to talk with us and listen to what we had to say.  My biggest takeaway from the whole experience was that our senators and representatives listen to us when we voice an opinion and want to address a foreseen problem.  Collectively, we as veterans in our communities do have influence and our mission is to stand up and be heard.  I look forward to next year’s Veteran’s 

Day on the Hill.   Who will stand up and go with me?      

Local Public Servants get recognized by the post during January’s regular post meeting

Post recognition of Mt J Police Officer Justin Angle and MT J Firefighter Matthias Beatty , with distinguished leadership from the City of Mt. Juliet as guests along with city manager Kenny Martin sharing his appreciation of our city’s veterans and our post presence in the community.

New Post Challenge Coin available for purchase

We are proud to announce that we now have a post challenge coin. It was decided by the executive committee and voted on and approved by the general membership to purchase challenge coins to be able to give away to those people and organizations that promote our post and support us. They are also for members of our post that go above and beyond in their community service and to  nonmember veterans that provide service to our community of veterans in our state. If you would like to purchase a few coins to give away, they are $7.00 apiece. We have a good supply and we’re happy to have them and to be able to award them as well. For more information about purchasing a coin, talk to one of your executive committee leaders.

What makes a great American Legion Post?

1st Vice/ Mike Faoro

Simple, its members.  Members engage in their post and in their community.  Former 1st Vice Commander John Herko leads a buddy call campaign every year.  He and about 8-12 Legionnaires call members to check on them to see how they are doing and if they need help.  This process is called Buddy Check and involves members who we haven’t seen or heard from recently.  It takes some time to accomplish, but if we don’t do it, who will?

How do you make your post known in the community?  Simple, get involved. One of the initiatives that the post has undertaken in the last year is an expansion of doing just that.  Sure, we have our Honor the Flag event, and we will participate in the Christmas parade.  We even sponsor our post oratorical contest and support Scouting, Boys’ State, and junior ROTC at two high schools.  But we need to do more.  This year we engaged with Mt. Juliet Police and Firefighters to sponsor and recognize the top recommendations from each agency.  While this was our first year, we will continue this every year and hope to expand it to include employer of the year for Mt. Juliet.  We will continue to seek ideas on how to be engaged and contribute to our community. When you are out in the community shopping or just milling around, wear with pride your American Legion hat.  It will engage you with people who may also be veterans and look for fellow veterans.  Again, people interaction and involvement.

Post Adjutant Taylor’s Corner

We have 243 members on the roster.  173 are up to date for 2025 or beyond.  Call your friends and ask them to check their card and see if it says 2025.  If not, see the adjutant or renew online.  You can renew online with no more problems for the post.  You can renew it for 1 or 3 years. 2026 will be 250 years of AMERICA!  Start preparing now. 2025 will be 250 years of THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS.  It started on November 10th, 1776 in a little bar in Pennsylvania called Tun Tavern.  

The Post Data Report is due May 15th, 2026.  If you’ve done any type of community service, please fill out an After-Action Report and forward it to the adjutant.  These PDR’s are the report used by National to justify our existence and require support by the Federal government. American Legion Riders – Officer elections were held in November 2024.  Rosters are due immediately along with $3 per rider.  To be a rider you must be a member of the post in good standing (dues current) or a family member of a post 281 member.

The Eagle Scout of the Year nomination is due March 1st, 2025.  SAL of the Year nominations are due by May 15th, 2025, per National.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: Dues shall be paid by October 20 of each year prior to the start of the next calendar year. Legion membership is annual, the Legion year being from January 1 to December 31. Department and National dues shall be paid for the full year, irrespective of the month in which the member shall join the local Post. Membership dues are three-fold, Post, Department and National. Membership is not considered current until paid and transmitted to all three levels. If membership dues have not been paid by January 1 of each calendar year, the member becomes delinquent. If dues have not been paid by February 1, the member is suspended, but nevertheless as a member with no privilege to vote, or hold office except that of reinstatement by vote of the Post and payment of dues; and dues not being paid, such membership continues without privileges for a period of five months, to June 30, at which time the member is dropped from the roll by Constitutional mandate and the membership forfeited.

As always, if you need anything or just want to talk, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phone, text, email or snail mail.  We all need to “Be the One” to be there for our brothers and sisters of Combat in Arms.  WE know what it’s like; WE know how the mind wanders and thinks.  NEVER think you are alone or the only one to be in a position of conflict by body or mind.  

Congratulations DON MOODY, one of our new Post members, for his 57 years of American Legion  Membership. 

From our Post 281 Finance Officer, 

Steve ILes 

The finances of Post 281 continue to be healthy and enable our Post to be active in community & other veterans-focused events.

For example, our Post has recently donated $500 to the American Legion Emergency Fund, donated over $600 toward Wreaths Across America, purchased over $600 of items for Hurricane relief in East TN, and purchased and gave out candy for both Halloween In The Park and the MJ Christmas parade.  So, I am grateful for the generosity of our Post that enables us to help  support many functions in the local community as well as the State of TN.

Honored to serve you and Post 281,

Steve ILes 

5th District 2025 Oratorical Contest 

Congratulations to the winner of the American Legion 5th District Oratorical contest that was held in Old Hickory, TN at Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church on Saturday the 8th of February, 2025. Three contestants, all from Mount Juliet, came and gave it their best. Congratulations go to Katelynn A. from Mt. Juliet Greenhill High School who came in first place (pictured above), with Alex C., also from Greenhill High School, coming in second, and Savannah S. from Mt. Juliet High School coming in third. Each student walked away with a little cash in their pocket and a challenge coin from our post. This is my fifth year of being involved in the local/division/and state levels of the oratorical contest and it’s always so rewarding and most certainly one of the strengths of the American Legion in our local communities. A special thanks to the organizer, Post member Bruno Padovani, for his organizational efforts to make the contest happen and to American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281 for their snacks they provided to those who attend. Katelynn now advances to Central Tennessee competition where she will compete with the 1st place winners from five districts. Job well done, students. It’s always refreshing to hear the patriotic expressions of our youth, while knowing they are our future as well.  

Greetings Everyone,

It is that time of year again for the Auxiliary Tree Sale in Mt. Juliet.  I have attached the order form for your convenience in ordering your trees.  Click Here for your Order Form

Please note:  There are a few changes to be mindful of.  First of all, we had to schedule the pickup earlier than usual this year, so it is imperative that you get your order in quickly.  The pickup date is Saturday, March 29, 2025.  We are now taking orders through March 19, 2025 with payment due by March 22, 2025.  Please, no exceptions.

Secondly, we had to increase our cost this year to $30.00 per tree.  However, the good news is if you pay by credit card or Venmo, you will not be charged a fee.  Of course, checks are also acceptable.

Third, the only refunds we will be issuing this year will be for trees ordered and paid for but not available from our supplier.  We ask that you make sure when the trees are loaded into your vehicle that the count is correct.  Our helpers will make every effort to load the correct number, but it is also your responsibility to verify the count.  You will not be issued a refund if you get home and find your order was short.

All of that being said, we look forward to supplying you with some great shrubs and trees again this year and hope that you will once again support our Auxiliary fundraiser.  As in the past, some of the funds will be used to send local 11th grade girls to Tennessee Volunteer Girls State (an Auxiliary program designed to empower young women to become great leaders and responsible citizens and to learn about our government and how laws are enacted). Remaining funds will be used to support our Veterans and to promote patriotism in our community in any way we can.

I will look forward to hearing from you soon.  

Sincerely, Kathy Leedy  Unit 281 Fund  Raising Chairman


Buddy Check callers with appreciation certificates, from left to right:  Terry Ward, Jackie Price, Bridget Passatore, Jeff Mattingly, Roger Brugger, John Ogle, Wayne Smith, John Herko and Delmar Smith.   Not pictured: Pat Costanzo, Katie (Sarazine) Gallimore, Eric Rodiguez, Joshua Sims, Chaz Spampinato, Pat Unger and Max Wix.

We consider it our most sacred responsibility to look out for each other and our fellow veterans. Since May 2019, by way of an organization-wide resolution, Legionnaires conduct Buddy Checks during the weeks of The American Legion’s birthday, March 15, and Veterans Day. Legion posts also perform this vital function whenever it makes the most sense in their communities. 

Hey….Post Members, we’re going to meet for  Breakfast. Saturday, February 15th, 9 AM. Flat Tire Diner, 4700 Old Hickory Blvd, Old Hickory TN 37138. Family and Veterans friends are also welcome. Come and join us.  Their Pastrami Eggs Benedict is to DIE for! 

Post 281 Honor Guard members at Veterans Day in Lebanon.  Our Honor Guard has rendered a total of497 military honors since inception in 2010.

Tennessee Veterans (TNVET) Veterans Day on the Hill

TNVET is a 501(C) (3) Veteran Organization composed of 12 different Veterans Support organizations from across the state with over 50,000 veterans, as members, when combined.  

On January 29th, 2025. Members from of TNVET met at the Cordell Hill Building at the state’s Capital for the annual Veteran’s day on the Hill. Members met with their legislators to brief and gain support for four pieces of TN VET legislation. 

They were as follows: 

  1. Change of the Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption and reimbursement. 
  2. Establishment of the state, dedicated  method or program that raises money dedicated to veteran’s needs and programs through the Tennessee Lottery. 
  3. Changing the eligibility terms of the state of Tennessee Sponsored Helping heroes’ grants. 
  4. Exploring the state support of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for PTSD and brain injury, for veterans, where it can benefit.

Come and join the discussion on Tuesday, February the 11 at our regular meeting.  

Pictures from our day on Capitol Hill. 

District 17’s, (Wilson and Davidson County)  Representative Mark Pody, was more than gracious and eager to meet Jeff Mattingly, Mike Faoro, and me.    

Seems we have a good variety of Veterans, from all time periods of American’s conflicts and wars.

Fill in your names, addresses and then sign, and repeat. 

It was a pleasure to have our Wilson County Veteran’s Service Office in the assembly,  Ms. Zabrina Seay.

Jan, Feb, Mar Newsletter 2024

Post Commander, Terry Ward

Hello to all members and friends of Post 281. It seems that our typical six weeks of winter is holding true again this year and by the end of February we’re well into Spring. Once spring arrives, our busy time will soon begin.

As I look in retrospect to the past Post 281 year, I take great pride in all we have accomplished. As always, our post offers great support in so many community efforts. Here is a quick review of 2023 for our post, and as they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

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Sept/Oct/November 2023 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires,

It is hard to believe that we have made it to September when it seems like 2023 has just barely started. I would also express the same as I look back at my last six years in a leadership role with Post 281. I’m amazed at how quickly time seems to click by, but I can’t help but think about what we as Legionnaires do for our membership and collectively with and for our communities. I came to Post 281 to get involved and give my best efforts to promote the post and serve others in the post and in the community. In so doing, my motivating force is found in the motto, Continuing to Serve.

Our fourth annual picnic is fast approaching with our intent of having a time of fun and fellowship with our post members and their families and the community of veterans.

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June/July/August 2023 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires Hello to all of the members and friends of American Legion Post 281. It is with great honor that I greet you as the newly installed Commander of the Tyler Cates American Legion Post 281 of Mt. Juliet. For those of you who attended the meeting and voted for me, thank you for your vote of confidence…

As I begin my time as Commander, I am reminded of the phrase “Veterans Strengthening America” that I’ve read and heard other leaders use. It’s a phrase that strikes my inner being and motivates me to look at the bigger picture of why we gather together, and how fortunate I am to associate with the best citizens our country has. We are the “ 6.5 percenters” of our Nation’s population that are/were willing to sacrifice for a cause bigger than ourselves or own self-interest. We all have served, and continue to serve, our fellow Veterans, our Nation, our Military, and communities we live in and especially our youth and children. I challenge you all to take an active role in the programs and events we are a part of as a post! Post 281 has a reputation for being active and volunteering to make a difference. Come and join in and make it happen with us.

Continuing to Serve, Terry Ward, Commander Post 281

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August/September 2022 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends, We hope that this newsletter continues to find you and your family members healthy and doing well. We continue to support our community through The American Legion’s founding principles of four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.

We continue to be fortunate to have member Zabrina Seay, the Wilson County VSO, to address veteran’s questions about claims and other related matters. We joined her and others Veteran Organizations for booth duty at the State/WC Fair @ Veterans Building.

We held an Executive Committee meeting on 2 August. On 9 August meeting we had three Guest Speakers.

Gaye Lynn Wilson, Wilson Rides. They help to preserve the quality of life and foster a connected community for older adults. Rides are free for veterans, their spouses, and household pets. Rides are to and from your residence and destination; both must be in Wilson County., 615‐622‐5557.

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June/July 2022 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends:

We hope that this newsletter continues to find you and your family members healthy and doing well. We continue to support our community through The American Legion’s founding principles of four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.

We are fortunate to have the Wilson County VSO Zabrina Seay to address veteran’s questions about their claims or initiate a claim during our meetings. She was at the MJSAC on 31 May 2-5 pm to assist members.

Once again, we had Mrs Cynthia Brown, 615-574-9927 from Mid Cumberland Meals on Wheels addressed our members. She works out of the @ Mount Juliet Senior Activity Center. Anyone age 60 and older who is home bound, or meets the needs as determined by state guidelines, is eligible for Mid-Cumberland Meals-on-Wheels. She is soliciting help in delivery of nutritious meals to home bound seniors, including veterans. Training is provided and a background check is required before starting.

If you were not aware, support for this program is provided via Second Harvest of Middle Tennessee with the nutritious meals are distributed via Senior Citizens Centers and churches throughout Middle Tennessee.

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May/June 2022 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends,

We hope that this newsletter continues to find you and your family members healthy and doing well. We continue to support our community through The American Legion’s founding principles of four pillars:

Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.

We were fortunate to have the Wilson County VSO Zabrina Seay will answer veteran’s questions and addressed others with their claims. She will come back to the MJSAC on 31 May 2‐5 pm and address more claims for our members.

We had two guest speakers from Meals on Wheels. Mrs Cynthia Brown, 615‐574‐9927 and Mrs Dottie Critchlow from Meals on Wheels. They work out of the @ Mount Juliet Senior Activity Center and solicit help…

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March/April 2022 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends:

We continue to support our community through The American Legion’s founding principles of four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. We hope that this newsletter continues to find you and your family members healthy and doing well. At our next regular meeting on 12 April, we will be voting on new Officers for our Post for the coming year. We will accept additional nominations up until the call for the vote to take place. Following members were nominated, most by  outgoing officers, from those in attendance on 8 March 2022, and agreed to serve if approved. Members cannot nominate themselves.

  • Commander Max Wix (to remain)
  • 1st Vice Commander Dan Walker
  • 2nd Vice Commander Robert Hibbett
  • Adjutant Shawn Taylor
  • Finance Officer Stephen Iles (to remain)
  • Service Officer Mike Faoro
  • Chaplain David Hale
  • Sgt at Arms Elliot Tadych
  • Historian TBD

On 8 March meeting, we had two Guest Speakers, Dan Walker, Wilson County 10th District Commissioner and Phil LaPrad, Mobility Chairmen from the Murfreesboro Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 1089 Dan Walker spoke on the current state of Wilson County and presented a number of projects being worked on. Commissioner Walker’s topics included Budget Items; American Rescue Plan  Grant Funds; Employee Pay Plan Review; School Board Land Approval of the purchase of a 110-acre school site at Double Log…

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