June/July/August 2023 Newsletter
Fellow Legionnaires Hello to all of the members and friends of American Legion Post 281. It is with great honor that I greet you as the newly installed Commander of the Tyler Cates American Legion Post 281 of Mt. Juliet. For those of you who attended the meeting and voted for me, thank you for your vote of confidence…
As I begin my time as Commander, I am reminded of the phrase “Veterans Strengthening America” that I’ve read and heard other leaders use. It’s a phrase that strikes my inner being and motivates me to look at the bigger picture of why we gather together, and how fortunate I am to associate with the best citizens our country has. We are the “ 6.5 percenters” of our Nation’s population that are/were willing to sacrifice for a cause bigger than ourselves or own self-interest. We all have served, and continue to serve, our fellow Veterans, our Nation, our Military, and communities we live in and especially our youth and children. I challenge you all to take an active role in the programs and events we are a part of as a post! Post 281 has a reputation for being active and volunteering to make a difference. Come and join in and make it happen with us.
Continuing to Serve, Terry Ward, Commander Post 281