November 2021 Newsletter
Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends:
The American Legion was founded in 1919 on fourpillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, NationalSecurity, Americanism, and Children & Youth.We hope that this newsletter finds you and yourfamilies healthy and doing well and want to wisheveryone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Post 281 Christmas/Holiday dinner will be held on 14Dec at the Rutland Senior Living Center Banquet Room.The Roast Beef or Vegetarian meal is $25 per couple. Inorder to finalize meals to be prepared, cut‐off is 14 daysprior, so please respond no later than noon 30 Nov. Asof this writing we have 52 participants signed up.Please send an email or text to Steve Iles 615‐419‐5009 or to me atemail/phone above. Those not already paid may do soat 5:30pm at the entry. Please get signed up ASAP…