Phil LaPrad, VVA Mobility Chairman
Phil Laprad, Mobility Chairman of the Vietnam Veterans of America, (VVA) Chapter 1089 of Rutherford County, is a veteran who is serious about continuing to serve his country, his community, and fellow veterans.
Phil and his crew install chair lifts, exit/entry ramps, handicap ramps and chair lifts for vehicles, handicap beds and bathroom aids, and assemble hospital beds in homes. Phil also services used mobility scooters and installs vehicle carriers. He also helps maintain handicap equipment with follow-on servicing for veterans and their family members who cannot qualify for service by the VA. It may be a temporary solution, but if nothing else he’ll do what he can until the VA can take over. Phil and his crew also collect older mobility equipment, like beds and ramps, and services them to be used by another veteran. Often, Phil and his crew provide help to veterans before the VA can get the approval process.
There is no cost to veterans.
His group is from VVA Chapter 1089, Murfreesboro. He has 2 or 3 volunteers who help. Phil came and gave a presentation about his work a few years ago to our post. As a result, Post 281 members donated over $300 out of their pocket to help in purchasing wiring, nuts, screws, and bolts used to rebuild electric motors and batteries.
Phil has agreed to come and visit us on 8 March at our next post meeting. Phil is planning to bring one of his helpers too. If you know of veterans who are in need of his talents and skills, contact us through our link on the website and we will endevor to connect the dots for them. Also, plan on coming to our meeting next month and meet him.