Post meeting tonight, 14 September, Be There, Be Square.
Post meeting tonight, 14 September, 2021
Mt. Juliet SA Center, 2034 N Mt. , Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Parking in the Back
6:00 PM, Mt Juliet High School, JROTC Drill and Ceremony team will “Razzel Dazzel” you with their expert Drill and Ceremony team. (Caution: Weapons of potential danger will be flying in the air, observe with caution and keep your distance.)
6:30 PM, Pizza and Fellowship time.
7:00 PM, Regular Post Meeting
– Success of the Post Picnic, on 11 September
– Reverser Raffle on 17 September, Hermitage Golf Course, ALL TICKETS HAVE BEEN SOLD.
– Halloween in the Park 23 OCT, NEED Candy, bring it to the Sep meeting.
– Long range plans for the OCT/NOV/DEC