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Breakfast With Buddies

Our 1st and 2nd Vice Commanders, Mike Faoro and Bob Snuck are getting together at Chick Filet in Mt. Juliet on 21 JAN 25 0900. They’re looking for members or interested persons to join them for some social comradery and story telling no doubt.

Sounds like a good opportunity to get out, spend some time with like minded folks and have a good time.

401 S Mt Juliet Rd Ste 105, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122

There’s really no set schedule for these get togethers so keep your eye on our Face Book group where updates are likely. Oh, you can get to the FB group at the bottom of the website pages. That white dot with the “f” in it.

American Legion, Local Veteran, Tyler Cates - American Legion Post 281