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Author: Terry Ward

Tyler Cates American Legion – Post 281 Minutes 9-Jan-2024

General Meeting Minutes
CONVENED: 1836 hrs. ADJOURNED: 2015 hrs.

At 1800 hrs., doors of the Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center (MJSAC) were opened. Sgt-at-Arms Elliott Tadych provided Pizza and soft drinks…

To read a full copy of the minutes please log into the website thru Member Login!

Read Full Minutes

2024 American Legion Auxiliary Tree Sale

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281
14th Annual Tree Sale Order Form is now available on this site under Latest News, Auxiliary Tree Sale Form

**ALL TREES ARE $25.00 EACH ***
Checks should be made payable to ALA Unit 281 and mailed to:
ALA Unit 281, P. O. Box 67, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121.
Payments for orders must be received by Monday, April 1, 2024.
Contact Kathy @ 615 218-7541 by phone or by text, or E-mail (preferred)

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST have confirmation number at time of pick-up. Trees will be ready for
pick-up Saturday, April 13, 2024 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Location of pick-up is 1st Baptist Church,
735 N. Mt. Juliet Rd., Mt. Juliet, TN.
If you cannot pick up your trees on the above specified date, please have a backup person designated as
we cannot hold trees for anyone.
All trees MUST be picked up between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Post 281 Meeting, 9 Jan 2024

Parking and entrance is in the rear of the building, located next door to the Church of Christ.

Monthly social time starting at 6:00 pm with pizza and sodas followed by the regular meeting starting on or about  7:00 pm.

Meeting Agenda:

Quilts of Valor Presentation

John Herko

Rubin Horton

Recognize USAF TSG Elliott Tadych for his service to our post and the community.

Mt. Juliet Police Chief Mike Mullins reflects on his years of service to Mt. Juliet and what the   future for our community looks like, from his perspective.

Discus 2024 Long range plans with Post members

Post 281 Christmas Banquet, TONIGHT

I hope this message finds everyone well into the Christmas spirit and season with every present bought, wrapped, and placed lovingly under the tree, exactly where your wife wants it to be. 

American Legion Post 281 Annual Christmas Banquet, 
Rutland Place, 435 NW Rutland Rd, Mt. Juliet, TN 
12 DEC 2023

Sequence of events:

  • Doors open at 5:45 PM.  If you have not paid already, have your form of payment ready for Steve and his wife Marie, who is helping him, so that we do not have a traffic backup at the door.  Tickets are $40 each.    Cash, check, or we can work it thru PayPal or Venmo too.    
  • Assure to get your ticket for our door prizes, we have a lot, but you must be present to win.    Only one door prize per person.  
  • Fill out a NAME TAG and PRINT with large BLOCK letters so it can be read from a distance. 
  • Social Time 5:45 PM until 6:15 PM
  • 6:15 PM, Welcome remarks and an abbreviated Post meeting ceremony from the Commander followed by a Prayer by Post Chaplin David Hale.   
  • Dinner buffet line opens at 6:30 PM
  • Dinner Hour 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM,  meal to be followed by coffee/iced tea/water and dessert.    Door prizes will be called throughout the meal.
  • Take a group photo of all in attendance.      
  • Christmas music provided by member Bob Ramsey. Ask for your favorite Christmas song.   Door prizes will be called between songs. 
  • 7:30 PM Recognize special guests.
  • 7:40 PM Introduction of singing artist and member Paul Coons
  • 8:10 PM Karaoke time with Bob, singalong Christmas Carols.
  • On or about 8:30 PM Closing remarks and final door prize drawing.

Our reservation list is below.    We have ordered extra meals for those not listed.   If your name is not listed, come anyway.  We would love to share this event with you tonight.    

firstlastpart #paidformmain coursedesert
MikeAdams2$40Cash1-T, 1-H2-BP
BrandonAdderholt2  1-T, 1-H1-BP, 1-PP
DonBarnes2  2-T2-BP
PeteBlinn2$40Cash1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
CynthiaBrown2  2-H1-PP, 1-BP
JimCarroll2  1-T, 1-H2-BP
JerryChatfield2$40Ck# 159132-T1-PP, 1-BP
JoeChilandro2  2-T2-BP
PaulCoons2  2-T2-PP
PatCostanzo2$40Ck# 5082-T1-PP, 1-BP
MikeFaoro2  1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
PhilFriedli2$40Cash1-T, 1-H2-PP
DavidHale2  1-T, 1-H2-BP
BillHouston2  1-T, 1-H1.BP, 1 PC
SteveIles2$40Cash1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
BillInman2$40Ck# 66431-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
BryanKane1  1-T1-BP
KathyLeedy3  3-T2-PP, 1-BP
JeffMattingly2  1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
MikeMoss2  1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1- BP
BrunoPadovani2  1-T, 1-H2-BP
CarlPuels2  1-T, 1-Veggie1-PP, 1-BP
HenryQueener2  2-T2-PP
BobRamsey2  2-T2-BP
CurtRoof2$40Cash1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
ZabrinaSeay1  1-T1-BP
DelmarSmith1  1-T1-BP
WayneSmith2  1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
RolusSmith2  1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
ChazSpampinato2  2-H1-PP, 1-BP
RobertSteuck2  2-H1-PP, 1-BP
ElliottTadych2$40Venmo1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
TerryWard2$40Cash1-H, 1-Veggie2-PP
PattiWhitmore2$40Venmo1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
MaxWix2$40Cash1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
SteveWren2$40Cash1-T, 1-H1-PP, 1-BP
Merry Christmas to all !

Sept/Oct/November 2023 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires,

It is hard to believe that we have made it to September when it seems like 2023 has just barely started. I would also express the same as I look back at my last six years in a leadership role with Post 281. I’m amazed at how quickly time seems to click by, but I can’t help but think about what we as Legionnaires do for our membership and collectively with and for our communities. I came to Post 281 to get involved and give my best efforts to promote the post and serve others in the post and in the community. In so doing, my motivating force is found in the motto, Continuing to Serve.

Our fourth annual picnic is fast approaching with our intent of having a time of fun and fellowship with our post members and their families and the community of veterans.

Read Full Newsletter

Community Outreach and Awareness

Calling all members of our post to come to the Mt. Juliet Walmart Supercenter on 1 September from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm to just be friendly. We have permission to set up our post Shade/Tent and our tables on the side of an entrance and hand out water and information brochure about the American Legion and our post.
The pictured below was taken the last time we were allowed to reach out to veterans in our community, and it seems when we are out there, new members will come and join and get involved. We will also be working the same type of outreach at the Home Depot in Hermitage on the 9th of September for the same time period

Tyler Cates American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281

Please support our American Legion Auxiliary unit 281 in their efforts of Veterans Support.

Thanks to your many contributions thus far, the need for hygiene items and trac phones has been filled. 

continues its commitment to 365 Days of Service to Veterans by assisting Nashville’s Operation Stand Down in its mission to Provide and connect Veterans and their families with comprehensive resources focused on transition, employment, housing, benefits, peer engagement, volunteerism and connection to the community … Engage. Equip. Empower Veterans. © 

 Current Needs List: Rain Ponchos New Socks are always needed. Kroger or Walmart Gift Cards – $10, 20, 25 or above can help a veteran purchase food or gas. 

A $3.00 Dunkin Donut Gift card can allow a veteran to purchase a coffee and a snack. 

WeGo Passes – These passes allow veterans to attend job interviews and get to work once they are employed. 

Please bring donations to the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary May Meetings, Mt. Juliet Seniors’ Activity Center,  Tuesday May 10, 2022 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., or mail to American Legion Auxiliary, P.O. Box 67, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121. 

Thank you for your kind support!  

The PACT Act and your VA benefits

Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act

File your PACT Act claim by August 9 to be eligible for backdated benefits you may receive benefits backdated to August 10, 2022. So don’t wait, apply today. 

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. 

The PACT Act will bring these changes:

  • Expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf War, and post-9/11 eras
  • Adds 20+ more presumptive conditions for burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic exposures
  • Adds more presumptive-exposure locations for Agent Orange and radiation
  • Requires VA to provide a toxic exposure screening to every Veteran enrolled in VA health care
  • Helps us improve research, staff education, and treatment related to toxic exposures

If you’re a Veteran or survivor, you can file claims now to apply for PACT Act-related benefits.

What does it mean to have a presumptive condition for toxic exposure?

To get a VA disability rating, your disability must connect to your military service. For many health conditions, you need to prove that your service caused your condition. 

But for some conditions, we automatically assume (or “presume”) that your service caused your condition. We call these “presumptive conditions.”

We consider a condition presumptive when it’s established by law or regulation.

If you have a presumptive condition, you don’t need to prove that your service caused the condition. You only need to meet the service requirements for the presumption.

VA will not rest until every Veteran gets the toxic exposure-related care and benefits they deserve. To apply today or learn more about what the PACT Act could mean for you, visit VA.GOV/PACT or call 1-800-MYVA411.  Or call your local Wilson County Veterans at 615-444-2460 Located at 228 East Main Street, Lebanon, Tennessee, 37087. Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-4:00 PM