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Author: Terry Ward

The PACT Act and your VA benefits

The PACT Act and your VA benefits

Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act

File your PACT Act claim by August 9 to be eligible for backdated benefits you may receive benefits backdated to August 10, 2022. So don’t wait, apply today. 

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. 

The PACT Act will bring these changes:

  • Expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf War, and post-9/11 eras
  • Adds 20+ more presumptive conditions for burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic exposures
  • Adds more presumptive-exposure locations for Agent Orange and radiation
  • Requires VA to provide a toxic exposure screening to every Veteran enrolled in VA health care
  • Helps us improve research, staff education, and treatment related to toxic exposures

If you’re a Veteran or survivor, you can file claims now to apply for PACT Act-related benefits.

What does it mean to have a presumptive condition for toxic exposure?

To get a VA disability rating, your disability must connect to your military service. For many health conditions, you need to prove that your service caused your condition. 

But for some conditions, we automatically assume (or “presume”) that your service caused your condition. We call these “presumptive conditions.”

We consider a condition presumptive when it’s established by law or regulation.

If you have a presumptive condition, you don’t need to prove that your service caused the condition. You only need to meet the service requirements for the presumption.

VA will not rest until every Veteran gets the toxic exposure-related care and benefits they deserve. To apply today or learn more about what the PACT Act could mean for you, visit VA.GOV/PACT or call 1-800-MYVA411.  Or call your local Wilson County Veterans at 615-444-2460 Located at 228 East Main Street, Lebanon, Tennessee, 37087. Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act

File your PACT Act claim by August 9 to be eligible for backdated benefits you may receive benefits backdated to August 10, 2022. So don’t wait, apply today. 

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. 

The PACT Act will bring these changes:

  • Expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf War, and post-9/11 eras
  • Adds 20+ more presumptive conditions for burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic exposures
  • Adds more presumptive-exposure locations for Agent Orange and radiation
  • Requires VA to provide a toxic exposure screening to every Veteran enrolled in VA health care
  • Helps us improve research, staff education, and treatment related to toxic exposures

If you’re a Veteran or survivor, you can file claims now to apply for PACT Act-related benefits.

What does it mean to have a presumptive condition for toxic exposure?

To get a VA disability rating, your disability must connect to your military service. For many health conditions, you need to prove that your service caused your condition. 

But for some conditions, we automatically assume (or “presume”) that your service caused your condition. We call these “presumptive conditions.”

We consider a condition presumptive when it’s established by law or regulation.

If you have a presumptive condition, you don’t need to prove that your service caused the condition. You only need to meet the service requirements for the presumption.

VA will not rest until every Veteran gets the toxic exposure-related care and benefits they deserve. To apply today or learn more about what the PACT Act could mean for you, visit VA.GOV/PACT or call 1-800-MYVA411.  Or call your local Wilson County Veterans at 615-444-2460 Located at 228 East Main Street, Lebanon, Tennessee, 37087. Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Complied by Post 281 Service Officer, Patti Whitmore.   Contact Patti thru this website if you have a question or concern, or go direct to the Wilson County Veterans office

POST 281’s July meeting, tonight 11 JUL , MTJ SAC

POST 281’s monthly meeting,  TONIGHT,    11 July, @ the Senior Activity Center in Mt. Juliet.    

Events of Interest:    

  • MTJCA’s Abigail Whicker gives her state winning oratorical presentation.
  • Quilts of Valor are to be presented to members Dean Gregory and Mike Adam
  • Hear from each of the leadership team pertaining to Legion and Veteran issues.
  • Hear about Thomas W Bond’s funeral 3 July and the members that attended.
  • Updated information on the STATE/Wilson County Fair, 17-26 AUG…and our part. Possibly get in for free…!   
  • Join us for Pizza at 6 PM….regular meeting starts when everyone is full or we run out.    BRING A VETERAN FRIEND!!!!


June/July/August 2023 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires Hello to all of the members and friends of American Legion Post 281. It is with great honor that I greet you as the newly installed Commander of the Tyler Cates American Legion Post 281 of Mt. Juliet. For those of you who attended the meeting and voted for me, thank you for your vote of confidence…

As I begin my time as Commander, I am reminded of the phrase “Veterans Strengthening America” that I’ve read and heard other leaders use. It’s a phrase that strikes my inner being and motivates me to look at the bigger picture of why we gather together, and how fortunate I am to associate with the best citizens our country has. We are the “ 6.5 percenters” of our Nation’s population that are/were willing to sacrifice for a cause bigger than ourselves or own self-interest. We all have served, and continue to serve, our fellow Veterans, our Nation, our Military, and communities we live in and especially our youth and children. I challenge you all to take an active role in the programs and events we are a part of as a post! Post 281 has a reputation for being active and volunteering to make a difference. Come and join in and make it happen with us.

Continuing to Serve, Terry Ward, Commander Post 281

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second 11th Annual Honor Americas Flag Single Sheet Flyer 2023


May 26-29, 2023

Mt. Juliet, TN 37122

Town Clock Center, N Mt. Juliet Rd & East Division Street




The Exchange Club of West Wilson County, and The American Legion Tyler Cates Post 281 are proud to host the 11th annual “Honoring America’s Flag”. This is an event, open to the public and free of charge, to raise awareness and funds for the on-going charitable services provided by our service organizations.

The grassy field at Town Clock Center (Train Station) will be transformed into a field of American Flags in perfect rows and columns in an awe-inspiring tribute to honor men and women who sacrifice their time, talents—even their lives for this great country. Each flag will fly in honor or in memory of a loved one.

Sponsor a flag for all who serve and sacrifice or for a personal hero in your life. At the end of the event take the flag home, to your business or present it to your hero to fly and continue the tribute.

To become a sponsor, dedicate a flag, volunteer or for additional information please visit our website at or or call 615.289.7623

About Us . . . . .

The Exchange Club of West Wilson County is a group of men and women, working together to make our community a better place to live through four programs of Service:

  • Americanism
  • Community Service
  • Youth Activities
  • The Prevention of Child Abuse

For over a hundred years, Exchange club volunteer efforts have supported the needs of the country and of local communities, making it the country’s oldest American service club.

The Exchange Club meets the 4th Tuesday. Please call Nancy Britt 615-289-7623 for the location.

The American Legion Tyler Cates Post 281 in Mt. Juliet, TN is a group of men and women veterans who support the four pillars of the American Legion. Named after LCPL Tyler Cates who was killed in Iraq in 2004. We are committed to:

  • Pillar I: Veterans Affairs
  • Pillar II: National Security
  • Pillar III: Americanism
  • Pillar IV: Children and Youth

American Legion Post 281 meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM on the Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center. For more information go to


May 2022 Mintues


REGULAR MEETING MINUTES  Date: May 10th,  2022

Reviewed/Approved: CMDR Max Wix POST 281,  DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE      

CONVENED:  1900 hrs.    ADJOURNED:  2001 hrs.   

TOTAL:   35


1800 hrs., doors of the Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center (MJSAC) were opened. Out-Going Sgt-at-Arms Delmar Smith and newly elected Sgt-at-Arms Elliott Tadych provided Pizza and soft drinks. Members turning out for the social time was at normal level. 

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Assembly of Flags for Honoring America’s Flag, tomorrow, 12 May 0900, @ the Britt’s home.


All 281 members,

We need a strong turnout of volunteers tomorrow for assembling the flags used in our Honoring America’s Flag event, at Nancy and Barry Britt’s home.    


Address for the Britt’s home is: 291 Quill Road, Mt. Juliet, with a 0900 show time.    It’s indoor work, and typically a good time of camaraderie.  Come join us!      

Mission BBQ @ tonight’s Post 281 meeting.


Notice for all Post 281 members and all Veterans who would like to attend.   


Once again, the wonderful folks at Mission BBQ  at Opry Mills are providing food for tonight’s meeting at the Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center, starting at 6:00 PM.  Our Commander, and his Commander (Gloria), are adding to the meal and bringing dessert too.  All attending tonight will be assured to have plenty to eat.   If you’ve thought about inviting a guest veteran to attend with you, here’s a great and tasty opportunity.   


March/April 2022 Newsletter


Fellow Legionnaires, family, and friends:

We continue to support our community through The American Legion’s founding principles of four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. We hope that this newsletter continues to find you and your family members healthy and doing well. At our next regular meeting on 12 April, we will be voting on new Officers for our Post for the coming year. We will accept additional nominations up until the call for the vote to take place. Following members were nominated, most by  outgoing officers, from those in attendance on 8 March 2022, and agreed to serve if approved. Members cannot nominate themselves.

  • Commander Max Wix (to remain)
  • 1st Vice Commander Dan Walker
  • 2nd Vice Commander Robert Hibbett
  • Adjutant Shawn Taylor
  • Finance Officer Stephen Iles (to remain)
  • Service Officer Mike Faoro
  • Chaplain David Hale
  • Sgt at Arms Elliot Tadych
  • Historian TBD

On 8 March meeting, we had two Guest Speakers, Dan Walker, Wilson County 10th District Commissioner and Phil LaPrad, Mobility Chairmen from the Murfreesboro Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 1089 Dan Walker spoke on the current state of Wilson County and presented a number of projects being worked on. Commissioner Walker’s topics included Budget Items; American Rescue Plan  Grant Funds; Employee Pay Plan Review; School Board Land Approval of the purchase of a 110-acre school site at Double Log…

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National Vietnam War Veterans Day 29 March 2022

vietnam memorial veterans



Dear Post 281 Members and Veteran Friends, 

It is a day America has set aside to respect our Vietnam Veterans. For those who answered the call when their country needed them, who bravely fought in foreign lands, we all sincerely say “Welcome Home.”

All Vietnam Era Veterans get a FREE Sandwich

on National Vietnam War Veterans Day

If you’re among those who served during the Vietnam era—whether in Vietnam, on foreign soil, or here domestically—or if you know someone who has, please mark your calendars. Stop in any MISSION BBQ on March 29th and bring your Vietnam Veteran Hero. We hope to see you next week!

Proudly Serving Those Who Serve,
Your Friends at MISSION BBQ